Saturday, September 02, 2006

WHO are THE pioneers of BOUTIQUE ebay??

C'mon Get your antiquated group mates to the blog who was the first? with the embellished overalls, who did the first templates, creative writing, the first design group, the first buyers group? buyer/seller group? who had the first group contest?
who was the first boutique photographer/model team?
painted clothing ?
wall art?
what did they sell?? who was the first to be hunted at the mini mall.
First Mock*u*auction remember the auction for the designer plastic bags?
Who is the real PIONEER for Boutique Ebay??

I have answer to that last question ...DO YOU?
It's custom BOUTIQUE....made by DesigningMINDS
NO fluff, NO interviews, NO ADS...JUST the Facts...the way it was intended............