The Fat Quarter Shop
is an online fabric addicts dream come true! Designer Y has been acquainted with this fantastic website for a couple of years and have never been displeased or couldn't find what I was looking for! I had an opportunity to interview Kimberly Jolly, owner and operator of The Fat Quarter Shop and I'd like to share our conversation with you AND....a coupon code, especially for readers of the Designing Minds Blog!
Take 20% off any order with this code: DESIGNINGMINDS
Offer Expires 3/31/2009 (Not valid w/any other offers, one time offer only)
Q. How long has the Fat Quarter Shop been in business and how did it all begin?
A. The business began in my spare time in 2003; during my past life in the corporate world. At that time, Fat Quarter Shop was a tiny operation run from my home.
Q. What is the one business tip you'd give women in business based on your experience?
A. Never become complacent in your work. Always be looking for ways to become better.
Q. What types of products do you make or carry?
A. We carry a huge selection of the newest and best quilting fabrics from the biggest manufacutrers, such as Moda, Lakehouse, Robert Kaufman, RJR Fabrics, Free Spirit, Michael Miller, Westminster. We also have a great range of pre-cut items and tons of exciting exclusive Fat Quarter Shop kits!
Q. What is the single most favorite thing about what you do?
A. I love getting to see new collections before they debut and planning new quilt kids and quilt clubs.
Q. Do you have a specialty or niche you are known for in the market?
A. Fat Quarter Shop specializes in pre-cut fabrics, which can make life so much easier. And, we're constantly adding to our inventory every day. We strive to have the best new stuff online before anyone else, and we ship super fast because we're very "now" people!
Q. What is your business philosophy or goal/mission statement in running your business?
A. We are adamant about only giving our customers the best of everything, from product to shipping to service. Shopping at Fat Quarter Shop should be an excellent experience, time and time again.