Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Boutique Newbies...

got the Newbie BUG...? Well you can catch it!!

I got to thinking..What kind of name for a group is Newbie?? After all, after a few months the group no longer fits in the niche it has carved out for themselves. Becoming experienced and then seasoned sellers. Which took me to a searchin' for more info on the group. What I found was very interesting. The group IS for NEWBIES to ebay. This group takes the newbie by the hand and guides it though the selling process, is there for information and support. Members
will at some point have to leave the nest, and go on to more advanced group action. If you are a Boutique Newbie and would like to join them or a group looking for new members try here.
It's custom BOUTIQUE....made by DesigningMINDS
NO fluff, NO interviews, NO ADS...JUST the Facts...the way it was intended............